Therapeutic skin care is the development of intensive scientific researches by essential yours the UK leaders in developing all natural products in fact we had some influence or involvement in making many of them.
When we first started out nearly 20 years ago there was almost nobody making natural products in fact organic was not really hear of.
Over the years because so many asked we developed formulations to be used if you suffer from skin problems and they really do make a huge impact, our latest products are the best yet if you have a skin problem, often we hear time and time again they work when others including the doctors things don’t.
The power of plants makes a massive difference to your skin if you are suffering from a skin problem
Many doctors can’t get there head around naturals yet the very best antibiotics are made from such plants and we all know eating vegetables and fruits makes us healthy, well all we are doing is making you skin healthy by feeding it with the plant extracts and it works.
When we first started out nearly 20 years ago there was almost nobody making natural products in fact organic was not really hear of.
Over the years because so many asked we developed formulations to be used if you suffer from skin problems and they really do make a huge impact, our latest products are the best yet if you have a skin problem, often we hear time and time again they work when others including the doctors things don’t.
The power of plants makes a massive difference to your skin if you are suffering from a skin problem
Many doctors can’t get there head around naturals yet the very best antibiotics are made from such plants and we all know eating vegetables and fruits makes us healthy, well all we are doing is making you skin healthy by feeding it with the plant extracts and it works.
The root of most skin problems may well be from stress or a infection even a virus but the continual problem mostly comes from harsh chemicals
Take for example hairdressers they are usually plagued with contact dermatitis which cause’s many to even give it up as a profession and that’s because of the things like shampoos which are stripping away at the skin daily, if they did not come in contact with such chemicals then they would not have skin problems.
It’s often the case that when people simply stop using harsh chemical products their skin improves dramatically
What is a harsh chemical well that can take forever as there’s so many (thousands of them) but chances are you will be using them?
From Molton Brown to Simply to Dove to oil of olay to baby products, even the medical ones and including most of the biggest skin product/ personal care brands on today’s market, your basically washing your hair and body in harsh chemicals and then applying more in skincare ,, any wonder that 1-3 people in doctors waiting rooms are said to be there because of skin related conditions, also the danger is many such chemicals are now being linked with cancers and major illness.
Take for example hairdressers they are usually plagued with contact dermatitis which cause’s many to even give it up as a profession and that’s because of the things like shampoos which are stripping away at the skin daily, if they did not come in contact with such chemicals then they would not have skin problems.
It’s often the case that when people simply stop using harsh chemical products their skin improves dramatically
What is a harsh chemical well that can take forever as there’s so many (thousands of them) but chances are you will be using them?
From Molton Brown to Simply to Dove to oil of olay to baby products, even the medical ones and including most of the biggest skin product/ personal care brands on today’s market, your basically washing your hair and body in harsh chemicals and then applying more in skincare ,, any wonder that 1-3 people in doctors waiting rooms are said to be there because of skin related conditions, also the danger is many such chemicals are now being linked with cancers and major illness.